Business Development

The PSA is an agreement signed between the contractor and client before the project is bid and acts as a bridge between the initial planning and bidding phase. It provides clarity and peace of mind, eliminating the mystery and uncertainty that can often plague construction. The PSA allows you to build a blueprint for your project, outlining every aspect, from design specifications and materials to budgets and timelines. The PSA is a tool that allows you the time to build a roadmap to ensure everyone involved is on the same page, from the contractor and subcontractors to the client and architect, if necessary.
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THREE WAYS TO DO SO: IMPLEMENT MARGIN MANAGEMENT This would be considered level 2 business practices that detour from chasing top line revenue. That’s right
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I want to share with you what we know about the oncoming economic downturn in the U.S. economy and its direct effect on General Contractors.
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Highly skilled, high potential, and highly coachable construction tradespeople, plus functional experts in project management, estimation, customer service, interior design, finance, business development, sales, or...
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Are there days when you’re not sure if you’ll make payroll? Weeks when you worry about affording your next critical hire? Months when you’re actively...
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English punk rock band The Clash got that exactly right back in 1981 – hitting on the dilemma facing an estimated 39% to 52% of...
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Do you set revenue, total sales, operational cost, and profitability goals every year – along with 3–5-year plans as part of your vision? Do you...
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As we head into 2022 – almost two years since stay-at-home orders impacted the U.S. construction industry – one of the top concerns we hear...
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Every so often, the tectonic plates that hold up the U.S. housing market suddenly shift in ways that rattle and destabilize everything on the surface.
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The leaves are turning here in Idaho – gold, yellow, orange, reds – with crisp, fresh air signaling new optimism. The change of season reminds
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