Are you leaving money on the table with every job?

Your profit margins might be telling you a shocking story.

As a contractor, you might think high revenue is the key to success. But here's the truth: you can sell $10,000,000 in a year and still struggle if your profit margins aren't healthy. It's not about how much you're bringing in; it's about how much you're keeping.

Let's dive into some game-changing financial insights that could revolutionize your residential remodeling or new home construction business.

The Profit Margin Revolution: More Than Just a Number

Many contractors start with a simple mindset: more jobs equals more money. But this approach can lead you down a dangerous path. Focusing solely on revenue without considering profit margins is a common pitfall that can leave you working harder for less reward.

So, what's the solution? It's time for a paradigm shift.

From Markup to Margin: The Game-Changer You Need

Are you still using the old cost-plus pricing method? You know, where you calculate costs and "tack on" a percentage? It might seem logical, but it's often a recipe for financial struggle.

The real magic happens when you shift to a margin-based pricing system. This approach ensures you're covering all your costs – including those sneaky job costs hidden in your expenses – and actually turning a profit.

Uncovering the Hidden Contractor Profit Killers

Let's talk about construction project estimating. Are you factoring in all your costs? It's not just about materials and labor. You need to consider:

  • All construction expenses
  • Your own compensation (A Functional wage for you as an employee of the company)
  • All indirect and related costs associated with producing the product

Many contractors make the mistake of underestimating these factors, leading to jobs that look profitable on paper but eat into their bottom line, leading to cost overruns and profit erosion.

Small Leaks Sink Big Ships: Finding Your Profit Leaks

Sometimes, the path to better margins isn't about big changes. It's about finding and fixing all of the small inefficiencies. These "profit leaks" might seem minor individually, but they add up fast.

By identifying and plugging these little holes in your operations, you can see your profit margin shoot up significantly.

You're Not Alone: The Construction Industry-Wide Margin Crisis

If you're struggling with low contractor profit margins, you're in good company. It's a widespread issue in the contracting world. In fact, poor construction profit margins are a leading cause of business failures in our industry.

Understanding the national average for contractor margins can be eye-opening. It explains why so many contracting businesses, despite seeming busy and successful, end up going out of business.

The Proof is in the Contractor Profits: Real Results from Real Contractors

Contractors who've made the shift to a margin-focused approach are seeing impressive results. Many have seen their profit margins skyrocket, with most achieving net operating profit margins of 12-22% (After a functional wage for the owner). These profitable construction businesses aren't outliers – they're the result of a deliberate focus on understanding and optimizing profit margins by partnering with The Aspire Institute for Contractors, a construction business coaching firm. Our construction business coaches provide invaluable insights, strategies, and accountability, helping contractors implement proven systems that boost construction profitability. By partnering with an experienced coach, you can fast-track your journey to healthier margins and a more robust bottom line.

Your Path to Profitability Starts Here

Mastering your margins isn't just about making more money – it's about building a sustainable, stress-free business. By shifting your focus from revenue to profit margins, accurately estimating costs, and addressing profit leaks, you can transform your contracting business.

Remember, in contracting, it's not about how much you make, but how much you keep. Start focusing on your margins today, and watch your business thrive!

Ready to take your contracting business to the next level? Download our FREE report, "How Contractor Profits are Actually Generated" and start your journey to construction business success today!

Learn more about optimizing your profit margins at one of our upcoming local Aspire Institute one-day workshop, or set up a consultation to speak to one of our construction business experts Contact Us


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